Learn More About eCashflow Services
Cash Flow
This is the answer for every business. Every Company analyzes this important account regularly to make sure that expansion funds are there when needed, to cover payroll, purchase effectively (getting all the discounts), promotions, and fortifying the sales effort. Without a good handle on cashflow a business can run into trouble. eCashflow Services helps maximize cash flow to help take the pressure off management and keep cash flowing naturally.
Collection Costs Savings
Every business spends a portion of its funds on collecting money that should already be in the bank. Because eCashflow Services recovery services are free, just by registering to use the service, you begin reducing collection costs. You save with reduced Bank fees, collection calls go down, collection agency costs are reduced to zero, and write offs turn into profits.
More Profit
You can raise prices to increase profits if the market will allow it or you can cut costs internally. eCashflow Services suggest both. Price increases should be considered carefully to determine viability. Cutting cost should be a constant goal and this is where eCashflow Services can help fast. Implementing eCashflow Services can provide immediate cost saving results. Not only is it free but receiving 100% on every cleared return is another important profit maximizer.
Customer Satisfaction
The key to every long term or short term (one purchase) business relationship is providing superior customer satisfaction. This includes handling even returned NSF payments without upsetting the customer with collection calls. It is an irritant that cannot be taken back once the customer is embarrassed and must correct a bad payment now. In 20 plus years, the majority of eCashflow Services Clients tell us their customers are glad that we recovered the bad payment without them having to be contacted directly.
Peace of Mind
You need your payments to be current, you do not want to spend extra money making them current, and you want your customers glad that no one called them to fix a bad payment. With eCashflow Services you receive all of this, plus you add more profit to your bottom line. Peace of mind is a win-win for everyone.